Status: Complete
Houston's first parking-protected bike lane will be on Hardy and Elysian streets. Construction started in February 2019, including repaving certain sections to improve pavement quality. Construction is mostly complete, with 5' bike lanes, cement curb stops and designated parking spaces to create a physical barrier between the bike lane and the vehicle travel lane. METRO bus stops were also improved.
The parking-protected bikeway facilities will:
Extend 2.69 miles (Hardy) and 2.66 miles (Elysian) in length from Harrington Street to Kelley Street
Serve as a piece of the Phase 1 Bikeway Network in the community
Maintain 5 feet in width of bike lane, 3 feet in width of barrier space, and 8 feet in width for on-street parking
Connect people on bikes to major destinations, such as schools, parks, and hospitals
Enhance bikeway connections into other neighborhoods, such as Downtown and Kashmere Gardens

Project Partnerships
Harris County Precinct 1
District H Council Member Karla Cisneros
City of Houston Planning and Development Department
Houston Public Works
Project Management & Design Consultants
Jones Carter
Toole Design Group
Traffic Engineers, Inc (TEI)
Contact Us
Questions, concerns, comments or feedback? Please contact us:
Houston Bikeways Program
[email protected]