Status: Complete
To provide a safe connection between Third Ward and Midtown across SH-288, a high-comfort bikeway is planned on Gray Street between the Columbia Tap Trail and Bagby Street. This east-west corridor will link these two neighborhoods to each other, as well as the larger regional network being created through the Harris County Precinct One Partnership.
Project Updates
Pavement markings and striping are in progress on Gray Street. Full signal installation is expected to be complete before Spring 2020.
Route Map

Design Details
The Gray Street Bikeway is designed as a two-way cycle track along the south curb. A few key points:
Street parking is maintained on both sides
All driveway access points are maintained
Visibility is increased at corners by striping existing no parking zones
At high-volume left turns (Hamilton, Milam, Smith), bikes and cars receive separate signal phases

Public Engagement
September 27, 2019. Houston Southeast Management District. Joint Transportation & Local Mobility and Environmental, Urban Design and Visual Improvement Committee Meeting
September 26, 2019. Houston Southeast Management District. Neighborhood Greenways Connection from Palm Center to MacGregor Park Meeting
April 3, 2019. Project update meeting at Midtown Management District
Project Partnerships
Harris County Precinct 1
City of Houston Planning and Development Department
Houston Public Works
Project Management & Design Consultants
Jones Carter
Toole Design Group
Traffic Engineers, Inc (TEI)
Contact Us
Questions, concerns, comments and/or feedback? Please contact the Houston Bikeways Program at 832-395-2700 or email [email protected].