From the Chair of the Bicycle Advisory Committee
The work to improve the safety of bicyclists and pedestrians is an active priority for the City of Houston. The Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) offers condolences to the families and communities of the people who died in fatal crashes while bicycling. Crashes have killed eight people riding bicycles in 2019.
On August 13, 2019, Mayor Sylvester Turner signed an executive order to implement Vision Zero, a strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, and equitable mobility for all in Houston by 2030. In 2018, the BAC recommended that Vision Zero be implemented as a way to centralize safe mobility initiatives regardless of which mode of transportation is used. Our work is as dynamic as the people we represent. We’re committed to advocating that the right people, tools, and resources are in place to implement equitable engineering, education, and enforcement for people who ride bikes.
Other important measures the Mayor has announced that support Vision Zero are the Safer Streets and Complete Streets initiatives. These initiatives focus on infrastructure on roads and sidewalks, include hiring additional staff to execute the tasks, leading a safety campaign, and implementing safety recommendations made by the Federal Highway Administration. Also, the Houston Police Department is enforcing and educating the public about Safe Passing law enforcement operations. These policies provide a robust framework for equitable outcomes in safe mobility. The BAC is committed to providing additional resources, tools, and thought leadership to build the strategy for Vision Zero in the next six months. Our priorities include:
- Advocating for Vision Zero’s deliverables, including clear deadlines, goals, and dates by which the public can hold the City accountable.
- Gathering and analyzing data to update the Bike Plan
- Identifying facilities development and maintenance capacity in the CIP
- Continuing to drive the Build 50 Challenge until the Houston Bike Plan is realized!
Two things all Houstonians use without prejudice are shared roads and potable water. Safe, fun, affordable multi-modal options are at our fingertips. Join us in the work. To learn more about the Houston Bike Plan, become involved, and follow the Bicycle Advisory Committee’s recommendations, visit
Keep it movin’…
Maya Ford, Chair